OESD’s Suzy Sailor by Fluff #80056 embroidery collection is a fun group of designs for the beach or sailing. The Schlep bag is a large pieced bag perfect for showing many different designs from the collection. Schlep is an interesting word that means “haul or carry or lug”. Our sample is made using twill fabrics so that the bag is sturdier and will last longer. This tutorial explains how to make a schlep bag — great for “hauling” or “carrying” your things to the beach.
- OESD Embroidery Collection Suzy Sailor by Fluff #80056
- 1/2 yd. fabric A (squares with embroidery and handles)
- 3/8 yd. fabric B (squares – two with embroidery)
- 1/2 yd. fabric C (bottom squares and triangles)
- 5/8 yd. fabric (lining)
- 1/8 yd. batting
- OESD Medium Weight TearAway stabilizer
- Embroidery threads
- Bobbin thread
- Marking pen
- Double sided fabric tape
- Temporary spray adhesive
- (4) 10” squares fabric A and B
- (4) 8” squares fabric C
- (2) 8 ½” squares fabric C – cut diagonally to have 4 triangles
- (2) 7” x 22” pieces fabric A (handles)
- (2) 22 ¼” squares lining
- (2) 2” x 22” batting

Note: The following designs were used to stitch on the squares A: #80056-04, #80056-06, #80056-07 and #80056-11. The following design was stitched twice on two squares B: #80056-05. The original colors of thread called for in the designs were also used.
Mark the centers of each of the squares for embroidery. Cut two pieces of medium weight tearaway stabilizer for the size of hoop needed. Using temporary spray adhesive, spray between two layers of stabilizer and adhere to each other and to the wrong side of the fabric square. Place double sided fabric tape on the wrong side of the inner hoop. Using template in inner hoop, position onto center mark on fabric square, and hoop. Place hoop on embroidery machine and find center point. Embroider design.

Remove from hoop and tear away stabilizer. Repeat for the remaining designs. A total of 6 designs on 6 squares of fabric were used in the bag. Cut all squares to be 8”.
Assembly of Bag
1/4″ seam allowance unless otherwise stated
Pin and stitch the four squares C right sides together, like a four patch block stopping ¼” from outside edges. (bottom)

Lay out the bottom and place squares B and A above each other on the right side along each side of the bottom.

Right sides together, stitch squares A to squares B. Press seams. Right sides together, stitch a triangle C to each A/B piece making sure the triangle is facing the same on each section. Press seams.

Right sides together, stitch A/B/triangle section to bottom. Press seams.

Right sides together, bring side 1 to 2, causing the bottom to sometimes line up with square B. Pin and stitch. Press seams to one side.

Continue stitching the sides together to form a bag. Set aside.

Right sides together, stitch lining pieces along three sides leaving an opening on the first side and using ½” seam allowance. Trim corners. Press seams open.

To form the bottom of the bag, right sides together, bring one side seam of the lining to the bottom seam. Lay flat. This will make the corner come to a point. Measure from the point 7 3/8” along the sides and mark. Lightly draw a line connecting the dots. Pin in place. Stitch along the line.

Press the corner points toward each other and tack to bottom. Set aside.

To make the handles, wrong sides together, fold in half the handle pieces. Press. Place a piece of batting on the wrong side of the top half of each handle piece with the bottom of the batting along the fold line. Fold upper top half of handle pieces over the batting. Press.

Fold the bottom half of each handle piece up to meet the center fold line. Press.

Bring the folded edges of the handle together and press. Topstitch along both sides. Stitch down the center if you want. Add decorative stitches if desired.

Baste one end of the handles to the upper edge of the bag in the center of two triangles on one side of the bag. Baste the other end of the handles to the opposite side in the center of two triangles.

Right sides together, place the bag inside lining, matching top edges. Pin. Stitch, using ½” seam allowance. Stitch a second time for securing.

Turn right side out through opening in side seam of lining. Stitch the opening closed.

Push lining to the inside, moving handles to the top. Press.

Topstitch along the top of the bag. Your schlep bag is now complete. Enjoy schlepping it around!

This material is © OESD, LLC and may not be reproduced or published without permission.