This Stylish Embroidered Straw Hat is a must-have summer accessory that’s so quick and easy to stitch! Outdoor activities take center stage during these warmer months and sun-filled days, and this beautiful addition to your wardrobe is great for gardening, beach days, or simply relaxing in the back yard! Add an extra dose of fun to your wardrobe with some machine embroidery! Pick your favorite designs – we used the Aerial collection by Tamara Kate – and follow the simple step-by-step tutorial to create your very own straw hat!

- Aerial by Tamara Kate #90031
- OESD AquaMesh Plus WashAway
- OESD StabilStick Template Sheets
- OESD StitcH2O Topping
- OESD Expert Embroidery Tape TearAway
- OESD Perfect Embroidery Press Cloth
- OESD Perfect Snips
- Glitz Crystals
- Sun Hat with Wide Brim
Step 1
Gather your supplies.

Step 2
Fill your bobbins with each embroidery thread color so the top and bottom of the design will match.

Step 3
Print the designs on StabilStick Template Sheets. Trim close to the design, and place where you’d like to stitch them on the hat.

Step 4
Choose the largest hoop you have to accommodate the stiffness of the hat. Hoop AquaMesh Plus with the shiny side up. Score the paper and peel

Step 5
Position the straw hat on the AqauMesh Plus and press it in place on a flat surface. Push the top of the hat out of the way so the machine head doesn’t get caught. Make sure the excess hat is to the left and not in the arm of the machine.

Step 6
Tip: use a binder clip to keep the top the hat out of the way of the head of the embroidery machine.

Step 7
Use your embroidery machine to find the center of your first embroidery design.

Step 8
Once in the right position, remove the template sheet and place StitcH2O over your embroidery area. Tape in place.

Step 9
Slow down your machine’s speed and be sure not to leave the machine while stitching. Bring up the matching bobbin thread so the underside of the hat stays neat with less tails. Trim the jump threads as needed with OESD Perfect Snips. Stitch the design, then remove the hoop from the machine.

Step 10
Remove the StitcH2O from your design to complete the first motif.

Step 11
Trim the AquaMesh Plus close to the design, making sure you don’t cut your design.

Step 12
Repeat until all your designs have been stitched. Rinse the hat under warm running water to remove stabilizer, then lay it out on a rack to dry.

Step 13
Once dry, turn the hat upside down and press the brim on the Perfect Embroidery Press Cloth.

Step 14
If desired, add glitz crystals to your finished hat like we did here!

Step 15
Enjoy your stylish new straw hat!

We hope you enjoyed this machine embroidery tutorial! Have you stitched your own Stylish Embroidered Straw Hat? Come show off your work in our private Facebook group, The Perfect Stitch!